Thank you for reading my blog :)

on Saturday, April 27, 2013

Agus: “kak elsa, aku baca blog kak elsa” 
Gue: “hah serius?” 
Agus: “iya….seru banget deh kak, ceritanya ngalir” 
Gue: “emang lo baca yang mana?” 
Agus: “semuanya”

Dan percakapan berlanjut membahas tulisan-tulisan gue tentang MB dari mulai gue audisi TIMBC, menjadi bagian MBIC, sampe pasca TIMBC. ini kesekian kalinya orang bilang cerita gue di blog itu ngalir banget. gue cuma mau bilang………gue cerita pake hati :”). Gak disuruh siapa-siapa dan gak punya maksud apa-apa, gue anggap sebagai salah satu bentuk dokumentasi hidup gue. gue gak tau ada berapa gelintir orang pembaca setiap blog gue (emang ada?) atau berapa banyak orang gak sengaja nemu blog gue dan kemudian memutuskan untuk scroll-scroll (bahkan sampe ke tulisan ababil super galau jaman SMA) karena gue gak punya waktu untuk memantau statistik viewer blog gue (wkwkwkwk). Jadi ya, kalo emang ada sedikit banyak orang yg ikutan excited sama ceritanya hidup gue ini, gue jadi senang…….

Readers, thank you for reading my blog, it feels so good to be noticed and your compliment means a lot :”)

NYT personality quiz

on Friday, April 19, 2013
1. You are something of a traditionalist in your approach to life and you see the most beauty in classic forms and styles. A true socialite, you love a sense of the grandiose and your style reflects this strong elegance. When all is said and done, you are a bit of an intellect with a tendency to do a spot of soul searching from time to time.

Lively and confident, you're someone who likes to make a big impression. You understand that first impressions count and that you won't always get a second chance. You've got great taste and strive to be one step ahead of the crowd. Your passion for fashion means you've got a bit of a reputation amongst your friends for creating your own style. Keeping an eye on the trends, you know what suits you but while adopting the values of society in dress and taste, you are just as concerned with inward, spiritual beauty as with looks. 
why fashion? i'm not really into it
so, i redo the quiz
2. You have got a fresh, positive attitude to life that means you are naturally drawn to anything that is modern and original. Your cool sense of style and sharp mind allow you to maintain that perfect blend of work and play, which means you are generally a fun person to be around. You are an emotional spirit and you make really strong connections. Good friends and lots of laughs are the recipe for really happy days. And nights!
You're a fast-mover and feel energized about anything that gets your pulse racing! You're enthusiastic about life and an upbeat spirit who knows how to have fun and tends to value all which is fresh and new in the world. You tire quickly of old conventions and outdated ideas, wishing to experience new methods with youthful innocence and vigor. It's all about big thrills and exciting antics that take you out of your comfort zone. You want to feel connected to the world around you and actively seek out opportunities to get closer to nature. For you, it is all about broadening your horizons and living life to the fullest! 
love love love the statement :3
go check and try this
on Thursday, April 18, 2013

Aduh kasian banget kayak orang susah. Abis ditahan-tahan biasa deh langsung pecah pas udah sampe atas. Sendirian banget deh kasian. Gak ada yang lebih dari bau got. Kasian banget deh kasian. 3 bulan lagi keluar kota terus masalah buat orang?. Bosen sama bau got sekali kali cium batu bara sampe sekarat.

GGGG: Glory Glory Gossip Girl

on Tuesday, April 9, 2013
I recommend you watch this video to decide whether you start watch gossip girl or not

You’re nobody until you’re talked about  (Daniel Humphrey)
Wakey wakey bloggers! Setelah ter-influence Tyka Ramona dengan serial nagih berjudul Gossip Girl sekarang gue bingung gimana cara move on dari adiksinya sementara serialnya sendiri udah tamat.

Mungkin terdengar 2007 atau 2008-an banget kalo keracunan Gossip Girl. Waktu SMA dulu, jaman kelas 1 SMA, Gossip Girl sempat mewabah banget di kalangan temen-temen gue (waktu masih ditayangin di trans tv). Jujur aja waktu itu ya seperti yang pernah gue bahas disini, Gossip Girl itu ga lebih dari sinetron dengan outfit yang keren-keren dan sering dimuat di majalah fashion remaja (sumpah dulu semua majalah ngebahas outfit gossip girl, gak boong). Sementara gue sendiri, baru dikenalin Gossip Girl sama sobi gue, Mona, yang sedikit banyak meng-influence gue berbagai macam hal terutama film, di awal tahun 2012.

Lama kelamaan, nonton serial ini jadi rutinitas dan hobi. Dan untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup gue……….GUE MENGKHATAMKAN SATU SERIAL PENUH, 6 season 121 episode tanpa skip. Bangga? Engga juga sih. Tapi men ternyata ada juga serial yang bisa bikin gue betah mantengin dari awal sampe akhir. Dari Blair Waldorf pake headband sampe pake tiara, dari Daniel Humphrey the lonely boy sampe jadi the most powerful. 6 tahun transformasi inside-out. And thank you, for making me fell in love with the city!

Kehidupan elitist society, spesifiknya Upper East Side, Manhattan. Sesuatu yang jauh banget dari hidupnya rakyat jelata macem gue. Penuh intrik, manipulasi, dan scheming. Apartemen dengan view Manhattan’s skylight. Bahkan loft di Brooklyn pun tetep lebih asik daripada kosan gue -,-. Sarapan pake waffle dan ngopi-ngopi. Debutante and the gala  where people really dressed. Super huge closet buat menampung outfit yang sophisticated. Harry Winston jewelery. Minions. Mingle with so-called people. Chuck-Blair dramatic love lives  Refreshing vacation yang kayaknya mau kemana aja gampang karena money is not really a matter.
Glamorous NY-type setting. It’s really matter for who’s never been in NY, or in USA. And that’s exactly the point why GG is a pleasure.

Sebenernya di sela sela rutinitas nonton GG, gue udah mencoba terbuka sama serial lain berharap bisa menemukan pelarian lain. Tapi, udah mencoba how I met your mother, once upon a time, glee, dan pretty little liars pun gagal adiksi. Karena GG inilah waktu luang banyak gue gunakan untuk nonton serial instead of nonton film dengan durasi 2 jam dan ujung-ujungnya gak kelar gara-gara keburu ngantuk di tengah-tengah. GG, dengan durasi 40 menit tiap episode berhasil bikin gue melek bahkan nangis-nangis.

Dan sekarang, gue sedang mencari rekomendasi serial dengan genre sejenis biar ga kesepian dan bisa sering-sering cuci mata sama fashion paradenya.

Gossip Girl has become not just a guilty pleasure but a lifestyle

Xoxo, e. waldorf (ngarep)

Pubdok 2013: Creative, Innovative, Digital Native

Setahun ini dipercaya buat bantuin biancha sekaligus ngasi kontribusi ke MBUI di Divisi Publikasi dan Dokumentasi. Bareng 8 anak haha hihi dan super talented lainnya.
Mulai dari bikin artikel, design, poto poto, sampe launcher apps.

yuk mari cekidot!

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