stressed out

on Monday, October 11, 2010
ya Allah kenapa gue jadi terlalu pemikir ya?
kenapa gue gampang stress?
padahal masalah gue ga seberapa dibanding orang lain..
kemaren gue baca artikel tentang EQ,gue menggarisbawahi kata-kata:
more likely to be seen as shying away from social contacts, to be stubborn and indecisive, to be easily upset by frustations, to think of themselves as unworthy, to become immobilized by stress, to be mistrustful or prone to jealousy, or to overreact to certain situations with a sharp temper.
the more that emotional memories involving temper,frustation,anxiety,depression,impulse, and fear pile up in early adolescence.
by flooding it with strong and inappropriate emotions,causing us to wonder later "WHY DID I OVERREACT?!"
---kenapa tulisan ini sepertinya gue banget ya?
akhir-akhir ini gue ditimpa stress, ngerasa banyak pikiran, dan beban, yah tidak punya rasa kebahagiaan yang berkepanjangan.
ya Allah gue bener-bener butuh hiburan dan teman (ooooo crying again)
karena ngerasa hidup sendiri,gue kembali ke kebiasaan lama (yang sempet menghilang karena support dari seseorang) and bad bad bad kenapa masih aja gue se-childish ini.


Anonymous said...

jangan sedih-sedih terus els,
dibawa enjoy aja
*sok bijak*

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